Spent most of the day in Middle Earth: Good news, Frodo has cast the One Ring into Mount Doom, cost him part of a finger, but the world was set to rights. Much relief that. (OK, I may have read the book a time, or seven before, but hey, it's a damned fine read)
And this evening? We went to Guene Hall (for free I might add) and Saw Bill Kirchen & Too Much Fun. For anyone who's ever heard "Hot Rod Lincoln" well, he's THAT GUY. I can't say he's the best guitar player I 've ever seen, but he's one of the top 5. And I had a damned good time.
And I didn't work today.
And I didn't have a head ache today.
And I didn't sit and worry.
And I didn't have an upset stomach.
And I didn't have any blinding rage.
And I didn't spend a moment of my day depressed or paranoid.
I did however break out in song 4 times
and do the
[it's mostly butts and elbows, because as any 5 year old boy knows, butts are funny]
So I may be fired, but from where I'm sitting, Looks like
The Forest Portal

The Forest Portal by DesignSpartan
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