have been struck with the typical "3 day headache"
Started Saturday am, made it to Pagan Pride day, but not by much, was fun, but for the pounding in my head, being dizzy and the inability to maintain my own body heat. I loved seeing the "peeps" again.
Sunday was a wash. We hulu-ed Lost and Surface and I tried to knock the headache with non-prescription meds. This was a truly foolish endeavor. I should have gone for the big guns the minute I felt a Twinge. Mind you BC Powder is amazing stuff and I highly recommend it for most pain relief needs. But after all, my neck is broken, and does on occasion like to remind me of such.
Today was better, I had to go to the Workman Comp. Office, to be evaluated, which was a waste of a clean pair of socks, as they didn't to anything useful and can't give me any real help until I get the letters from the State (who was nice enough to send their correspondence to the old address, even though I updated with them on Sept 29th.) but got that straight. Went to the Grocery. All is well.
The WP picked some of our basil and I combined that with some almonds, some cheese and garlic and our basil oil into some amazing pesto. So I have not wasted the whole 3 days.
Sorry I've neglected you.
I'll post a poem and please accept my most humble apology.
Love and Light
The Forest Portal

The Forest Portal by DesignSpartan
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