I have finished my afgan! That is to say, I have used all the yarn I originally purchased for the project, and don't plan to purchase any more.
I feel amazingly proud of this fact. My NONI, other members of my family and varoius friends/lovers have all tried valiantly to teach me to crochet. They have all failed. My left-handedness coupled with a complete lack of spacial perception (I didn't crawl as an infant, apparently this is a side effect), and being dyslexic have all conspired to keep me crochet-impaired.
However, I have overcome! It's only longstitch (the only stitch I've been able to teach myself to do), but the edges are even and I love it!
The cat also loves it.
The next project will involve a second skein of the super yummy 20.00 yarn that hobby lobby keeps tempting me with to finish my lap-afgan/shawl.
I also have my eye on one of those mega cones of cotton yarn, maybe another afgan? Who knows?
Both will have to wait until I'm employed again.
But today? I'm proud of ME!
The Forest Portal

The Forest Portal by DesignSpartan
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